Wednesday, February 3, 2010

SRT 135 NBS Visit


12th January, 2010

It was a cold morning when we all gathered at railway station to receive our special guests, students from New Business School Amsterdam, Netherlands. They were nineteen in number. We were very much excited about their visit and well prepared to give them a warm welcome and a pleasant subsequent stay.

As per our planning we distributed our guests in different groups and tablers responsible

took them to their respective homes, after refreshing themselves with warm water bath after an gap of fourty two hours ,most of which was spent flying.

And the simple homemade food, we took them to visit our last year’s project at Variyav (for which we won the best project award in 2009). This project was also funded by the senior students of the same NBS School. They were delighted to see the way their funds were utilized in a very constructive manner and for a very noble cause of helping underprivileged children. They were given a very warm welcome by school authority and students.

Next thing on agenda was an industrial visit to K P Sanghavi diamonds, one of the largest diamond houses of Surat. It proved to be quiet a learning experience for them. They were spellbound to see the process and how the most precious element in the world is polished and cut. Then was the time to let our hair down, SCRT-195 organized a party for all of us at most happening restaurant of the town Little Italy. Tr. Hardik arranged wonderful treat for all of us and we all relished the palatable delicacies served by the courteous management their.

13th January, 2010

13th was a hectic day for all of us. We started our day with our visit to SRT-135’s forthcoming project of Bonand. Ground breaking ceremony was performed by the NBS students, it was a new experience for all of them with panditji chanting hymns and performing different rituals as per Hindu religion.

NBS students got moved to see the students sitting on the benches in one class & in another class on the floor and contributed Rs 20000/- then and there for the benches. Everybody appreciated the compassion exhibited by the guests

Our subsequent visit to SCRT-195 and SMRT-155 projects also turned out to be very exciting. Tr. Jigar arranged a textile unit visit for all of us. We all were really steamed out after such a tight schedule and headed for Taj hotel to unwind ourselves with some sumptuous food.

14th January, 2010

As we all very well know that 14th Jan. is celebrated as kite flying festival in Gujarat, we were looking forward to show them the passion with which the people climb up to their

Terrace and enjoy the kite flying whole day. In the morning we all were invited to the Police parade ground to witness the kite flying event organized by them.

After basking in the sun at Taj Hotel for quite long, we were all set to start for the terrace party organized by Tr. Jigar at his limbusheri residence. It was social of Tr Dhanesh & 41ers Rajan. It turned out to be the event of the trip for all of us, free flowing wine with mouthwatering dine really made everybody feel elated. Loud bollywood music with dancers like Tr Hitesh made the night even more lively and ecstatic. Beautiful firework by the people around was like icing on the cake.

We all grooved to exhaustion. It was a time to bid farewell to guests who became very good friends by then. We presented mementos as a sign of souvenir to all of them. They

Shared the experience of their stay in Surat and were really impressed by the hospitality and generosity shown by our Tablers.41ers, circlers & Twinklers.

It proved to be a wonderful experience for all of us. All the tablers contributed in their own way to make the event successful .Tr. Jigar, Tr Hitesh and Tr Mukesh coordinated with all, so smoothly and simultaneously worked quite hard to make our guests comfortable. The Circlers Priti, Rekha, Reema, & Dipali left no stone unturned to make our guests comfortable & to make their stay a memorable one. We wished all our guests bon voyage in the morning on 15th of January at railway station. It was indeed a fabulous experience for all of us.


Tr Bhavesh Rathod

Sec SRT 135 [09-10]

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