Monday, February 8, 2010

ART40- HRD on conflict management

Dear Friends,

What Do You Think when you hear the word . . CONFLICT?

Do you visualize the following image?

If the answer is YES? It’s time to change the way you look at CONFLICT!

I conducted a 2 hour workshop for the Tablers of my Table Ahmedabad Round Table 40 on conflict management.

The leadership journey starts with one being a capable individual, then a good manager of resourses and people and then a motivational leader! Management of Conflict situaltions is a must learn attribute for all leaders to manage people and resources.

We started with an icebreaker where all the tablers were made to share positive attributes about any one participant, since all were known and from the same table.

We then saw a animated video on conflict situation between two brothers! Later we got the participants to define what is conflict, why does it occur, its different types and reasons for it to be created. Also the side effects of conflict like stress, low efficiency, low motivation etc were also discussed.

We then asked the participants to take a test on "My style of addressing Conflict", something that was shared by Cr. Shalini Gupta a fellow Ladies Circle trainer from Lucknow. We then discussed the various pros and cons of different styles and in what situations each style be considered appropriate.

It was a wonderful experience since I was conducting this workshop for the first time. Time flew quickly. I thank our Table Chairman Tr. Dhiraj Agarwal for organising the program and the feedback to the program has been most encouraging.

Cheer to Tabling, as we DREAM ON...

LMF Tr. Vineet Parikh

Round Table India (Ahmedabad RT40)

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